The Corporation of the Township of Scugog
Council Meeting
Revised Agenda

Closed Session to begin at 3:00 PM, Open Session to begin at 6:30 PM
Council Chambers, Municipal Building
181 Perry Street, Port Perry

Council Chambers is open to the public for open session. The meeting will be recorded and live streamed and will be available from the Council meeting schedule on the Council and Meeting Calendar page of the Township's website. Please note that Members of Council, staff and the public may participate electronically as authorized under Section 238 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and as permitted by the Township of Scugog Procedural By-law by arranging it in advance with the Clerk.
Those wishing to submit written correspondence with respect to items on the agenda may do so by emailing [email protected], or by sending or dropping off at 181 Perry Street, Port Perry.
Alternative formats available upon request. Please contact [email protected] / 905-985-7346. 





CORP-2024-001 - Committee Resignations and Appointments to SADIE Advisory Committee and Appointments to the Community Grants Committee


To discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees pursuant to Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act. 2001, with respect to Committee Appointments.

DEV-2024-026 - Dogs on Highpoint Road Summary


To discuss matters regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board, pursuant to section 239 (2)(e) of the Municipal Act, with respect to complaints received regarding dogs on Highpoint Road.

Magnum General Contracting / Township of Scugog Minutes of Settlement


To discuss advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, pursuant to Section 239(2) (f) of the Municipal Act, with respect to minutes of settlement between Magnum General Contracting and the Township of Scugog.



Owns property in the area discussed in during the Delegation, report Dev 24-18 and the affirmation in the motion that the Township of Scugog supports the rearrangement of the requested settlement area boundary expansion.





Matthew Haire, Senior Manager, BDO Canada LLP
(refer to FIN-2024-026 - 2024 Draft Consolidated Financial Statements *to be added as an addendum)

Kathy Perna & Gilbert Kee, Residents
(refer to 10.3.5 - Correspondence Received from Kathy Perna and Gilbert Kee)

Janice Hamilton-Dicker, Resident
(refer to 10.3.2 & 10.3.3 - Correspondence Received from Janice & Selwyn Hamilton-Dicker and Janice, Selwyn and Ethan Hamilton-Dicker)

Larry Corrigan, Resident
(refer to 10.3. - Correspondence Received from Larry Corrigan Regarding the Avenu Properties MZO Request)

Alison Elwood, Resident


  • Regional Councillor Ian McDougall declared a conflict on this item. (Owns property in the area discussed in during the Delegation, report Dev 24-18 and the affirmation in the motion that the Township of Scugog supports the rearrangement of the requested settlement area boundary expansion.)














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